
I am a M.Sc Physics student at the University of Stuttgart, member of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Condensed Matter Science. I am currently working at the Fraunhofer IPA at the intersection between Quantum Computing (Numerical/Theory) and Machine Learning (Kernel Methods).

Experience and projects:

Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Type of Work: Master’s Thesis Research and Student Research Assistant
  • Organization: Fraunhofer IPA - Quantum Computing group, Stuttgart, Germany (08/2023 - current)
  • Description:
    • Conducted numeric simulations of Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms.
    • Research on Quantum Kernel Methods and Applications to differential equations.
    • Research advisor: Dr. Jan Schnabel, group of Dr. Marco Roth.

Transformer Network Implementation for Schrödinger’s Equation

  • Type of Work: Academic research project in Large Language Models
  • Organization: Institute For Theoretical Physics III, Stuttgart, Germany (09/2023 - 02/2024)
  • Description:
    • Implemented a Transformer Network (LLM) to learn the probability distributions from the Schrödinger’s equation for a free gaussian particle. (See poster)
    • Research advisor: Prof. Dr. Mathias Scheurer.

Numerical Simulations in Quantum Optics and atomic physics

  • Type of Work: Undergraduate research project, funded by FAPESP
  • Organization: UFSCar - Light-atom group, São Carlos, SP, Brazil (08/2021 - 10/2022)
  • Description:
    • Conducted high performance computing numeric simulations (Python - QuTiP) of quantum optics and atomic physics.
    • Investigated dipole-dipole contributions to biphoton emissions of four-wave-mixing (FWM) processes. See poster and thesis
    • Research advisor: Prof. Dr. Romain Bachelard.

Experimental Setup for Optical Characterization of van der Waals Heterostructures

  • Type of Work: Undergraduate research project, funded by CNPQ
  • Organization: UFSCar - Opto-electronics and magneto-optics group (GOMA), São Carlos, SP, Brazil (07/2020 - 10/2021)
  • Description:
    • Set up an experimental apparatus for optical characterization of van der Waals Heterostructures.
    • Conducted optical characterizations.
    • Research advisor: Prof. Dr. Yara Galvão Gobato.